Search for resources in Rome and Lazio

Culture, well-being, solidarity. Resources for you, your family, your neighbours and the most needy people.
Whole Rome, zone by zone, quarter by quarter. Whole Lazio, province by province, town by town.

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Resources by theme area

Children [ 1867 ]

Young people [ 1214 ]

Women [ 138 ]

Older people [ 314 ]

Disabled people [ 218 ]

Foreigners [ 662 ]

Pets [ 33 ]

House [ 313 ]

School [ 1514 ]

Employment and innovation [ 343 ]

Health and fitness [ 1226 ]

Religious cults [ 405 ]

Social help [ 423 ]

Culture and free time [ 1252 ]

Sport, fitness and wellness [ 210 ]

Environment [ 177 ]

Mobility and vehicles [ 124 ]

Craftsmanship and trade [ 440 ]

Resources by zones of Roma

Historical quarters
Quarter extensions
Suburban zones

Resources by zones of Lazio

Provincia di Frosinone [ 127 ]

Provincia di Latina [ 112 ]

Provincia di Rieti [ 45 ]

Provincia di Roma [ 323 ]

Provincia di Viterbo [ 66 ]

In the spotlight

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