Nurseries [ 5 ] Boy-scout and girl-scout groups [ 1 ] Libraries [ 1 ] Children's activity centres [ 1 ] Family counseling [ 1 ] Broad age range state schools (Istituti Comprensivi) [ 1 ] Preschools [ 2 ] Primary scools [ 2 ]
Associations of social promotion [ 1 ] Boy-scout and girl-scout groups [ 1 ] Associations for the promotion and defence of rights and interests [ 1 ] Self-managed social centres [ 1 ] Comics bookshops [ 1 ] Broad age range state schools (Istituti Comprensivi) [ 1 ] Lyceum - humanistic high school [ 1 ] Psychological counseling and support: centrers and practitioners [ 1 ] Junior high schools [ 2 ]
Assistance to foreigners and immigrants [ 1 ] Associations of social promotion [ 2 ] Libraries [ 1 ] Centri di istruzione per gli adulti [ 1 ] Fair trade [ 1 ] Italian language for foreign citizens [ 2 ] Broad age range state schools (Istituti Comprensivi) [ 1 ] Vocational training organizations [ 1 ] Sculptors, wood workers and stone masons [ 1 ]
Funeral and associated services [ 4 ] Tax assistance and information [ 1 ] Fair trade [ 2 ] Plumbing and heating services [ 1 ] Mortgage and financial lenders [ 1 ]
Centri di istruzione per gli adulti [ 1 ] Broad age range state schools (Istituti Comprensivi) [ 1 ] Higher education establishments [ 1 ] Lyceum - humanistic high school [ 1 ] Junior high schools [ 2 ] Primary scools [ 2 ] Careers offices and armed forces recruitment [ 1 ]
Associations of social promotion [ 1 ] Centri di istruzione per gli adulti [ 1 ] Job centres [ 1 ] Technological innovation consultants [ 2 ] Social cooperatives of type B [ 1 ] Allotments [ 1 ] Mortgage and financial lenders [ 1 ] Research services [ 1 ] Careers offices and armed forces recruitment [ 1 ]
Healthcare homes and other public health centres [ 3 ] Family counseling [ 1 ] Chemists and pharmacies [ 8 ] Psychological counseling and support: centrers and practitioners [ 3 ]
Assistance to foreigners and immigrants [ 1 ] Associations of social promotion [ 3 ] Associations for the promotion and defence of rights and interests [ 1 ] Social counseling Center [ 1 ] Fair trade [ 2 ] Social cooperatives of type B [ 1 ] Vocational training organizations [ 1 ]
Associations of social promotion [ 3 ] Cultural associations and foundations [ 1 ] Libraries [ 3 ] Publishers [ 2 ] Day care centres for older people [ 2 ] Self-managed social centres [ 1 ] Italian language for foreign citizens [ 2 ] Comics bookshops [ 1 ] Higher education establishments [ 1 ] Bookshops [ 1 ] Used books [ 1 ] Second hand goods [ 1 ] Conservation organisations [ 1 ] Vocational training organizations [ 1 ] Sculptors, wood workers and stone masons [ 2 ] Music teachers and schools [ 1 ]
Funeral and associated services [ 1 ] Vehicle repair, testing and servicing [ 2 ] Fair trade [ 2 ] Plumbing and heating services [ 1 ] Comics bookshops [ 1 ] Social cooperatives of type B [ 1 ] Bookshops [ 1 ] Used books [ 1 ] Second hand goods [ 1 ] Art and antiques [ 1 ] Sculptors, wood workers and stone masons [ 2 ]