Istituto Comprensivo Donatello

Affiliated resources


The resources - whose position is known - affiliated to the resource specified by the title, are displayed as small icons in the map on the right. You can move the map by click and drag; you can zoom on a point doing double click. By passing the mouse over an icon, you get the name of a resource and by clicking on it you go to the detail page for that resource.

In the list below you will find the affiliated resources, sorted by name; from that list also you can reach the detail page of a resource, by clicking on its name.

By clicking on the title of this page, you'll get back to the page containing the profile of the resource .

Via Millet, 21 - 00133 Roma
A Torre Gaia. Tempo pieno e ridotto. Mensa. Teatro, laboratori, palestra, ampio giardino. Educazione ambientale.
Via Millet, 21 - 00133 Roma
A Torre Gaia. Tempo pieno e tempo ridotto. Mensa. Laboratori, teatro, palestra, giardino. Recupero materie scolastiche.
Via di Grotte Celoni, 20 - 00133 Roma
Torre Gaia. Tempo normale e prolungato. Mensa. Laboratori, palestra. Certificazioni linguistiche. Italiano per stranieri
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