Al Tecnopolo Tiburtino. Colmare il gap tra ricerca e industria con il trasferimento e la valorizzazione della tecnologia

Address: Via Giacomo Peroni, 386 - 00131 Roma
+39 06 40040358
+39 06 40040359

(dal sito web)

Bridging the gap between Research and Industry through Technology Transfer and Exploitation was the idea at the origin of the creation of INNOVA S.p.A. by Aleardo Furlani in 1993.

INNOVA S.p.A. is the holding company of the INNOVA GROUP and operates in a market niche in highly competitive and fast moving sectors where growth and success strongly depend on technological innovations.
INNOVA S.p.A. has its main offices in Rome (Italy) at Tecnopolo Tiburtino, the technology park in Rome promoted by the local Chamber of Commerce and the Province of Rome ... These operative premises comprise offices as well as laboratories and an incubator, creating an innovative and stimulating working environment ...

The INNOVA Group integrates 3 strong competence areas:

  • Specialised management & innovation consulting and technology transfer and valorisation
  • Seed capital support
  • Applied research lab facilities
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