Transportation services for elderly and disabled people

Theme areas related to the category

The resources - whose position is known - belonging to the category specified by the title, are displayed as small icons in the map on the right. You can move the map by click and drag; you can zoom on a point doing double click. By passing the mouse over an icon, you get the name of a resource and by clicking on it you go to the detail page for that resource.

In the list below you will find the resources belonging to the category, sorted by name; from that list also you can reach the detail page of a resource, by clicking on its name.

Via dei Gordiani, 22 - 00177 Roma
Trasporto disabili, anziani, pazienti dializzati e bambini. Servizio d'emergenza 24h. Zona Centocelle.
Viale Palmiro Togliatti, 981 - 00155 Roma
Servizi di trasporto e trasferimento per disabili, anziani e chiunque presenti difficoltà motorie. Zona Centocelle.
Viale Moliere, 36 - 00142 Roma
Servizi di trasporto di disabili in zona Grotta Perfetta. Anche festivi e in orario notturno. Tour e visite guidate.
Via Silvio Pellico, 17 - 00015 Monterotondo
Trasporto infermi e dializzati a Monterotondo. Elisoccorso con scorta multilingue. Assistenza medico-sportiva.
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