The resources - whose position is known - belonging to the category specified by the title, are displayed as small icons in the map on the right. You can move the map by click and drag; you can zoom on a point doing double click. By passing the mouse over an icon, you get the name of a resource and by clicking on it you go to the detail page for that resource.
In the list below you will find the resources belonging to the category, sorted by name; from that list also you can reach the detail page of a resource, by clicking on its name.
La Palestra Fit And Go Roma Balduina è il tuo centro fitness a Roma Vaticano con tanti servizi per tornare in forma.
Presso il centro fitness di Roma Monte Mario trovi i migliori personal trainer e vieni seguito da un professionista.
Primavalle - metro Battistini. Ampia palestra e piscina inseriti in un’area verde. Scuola nuoto federale. Pallanuoto.
Ottavia - Casal del Marmo. Polisportiva Dilettantistica Delta. Scuola di nuoto e pallanuoto. Acquagym.